Dia membiarkan dua lautan mengalir yang keduanya kemudian bertemu, antara keduanya (lautan) ada batas yang tidak dilampaui oleh masing-masingg.
[Surah ar-Rahman;19-20]
Apabila saya berada di Cape Point, Cape Town South Africa, saya melihat dengan mata bahawa dua lautan bertemu di sana, iaitu lautan Hindi dan lautan Atlantik. Lautan Hindi yang suam airnya dan berwarna kebiruan manakala lautan Atlantik yang dingin airnya dan berwarna kehijauan. Mereka bertemu di titik Tanjung atau dikenali sebagai Cape Point. Jelas kelihatan bagaimana dua lautan itu bertemu tetapi dalam batasan masing-masing. Alangkah indahnya ciptaan Allah SWT..Subhanallah.
(Gambar diambil menggunakan kamera digital persendirian)
Sedikit catatan :
Cape Town is one of South Africa’s prime tourist destinations. Each year, tourists from South Africa and abroad flock to Cape Point to witness the majestic meeting of two oceans.
Cape Point is just an hour away from Cape Town’s city centre. The Indian Ocean and Atlantic oceans supposedly meet at this point. Residents in the area however believe visitors should travel a little further south, to Cape Agulhas, to see the oceans meet. So where exactly do the oceans meet?
Research by the Hydrographic Office of the South African Navy argues that Cape Agulhas, almost 100km from the city centre, is where the two oceans meet. This region includes Arniston, Bredasdrop, L’Agulhas, Napier, Elim and Struisbaai.
Capeinfo.com says the Agulhas Current brings warm water, from the subtropics, down the east coast of South Africa.
From East London, the current flows further offshore and the coastal waters become cooler. On the west coast, the water is chilled by the north-drifting, cold Benguela Current.
The Hydrographic Office research goes on to say that it can therefore be safely said, that the water to the west of Cape Agulhas is predominantly colder than to the east.
This supports the argument that the dividing line between the warm and cold waters is more often at Cape Agulhas, than at anywhere else in the region. Hence, it is probably safe to say that the warmer Indian Ocean meets the cooler Atlantic here.
Jadikan ALAM sebagai pengajaran kerana dari ALAM yang besar wajib pula diterjemahkan kepada ALAM yang kecil iaitu diri kita sendiri.
2 ulasan:
Saudara ke cape point ni just jalan2 saja ke?
Seronok rasanya dapat berjalan-jalan.. Apatah lagi dapat lihat kebesaran Allah.. Subhanallah..
Saya ke Cape Town ada urusan kerja, dan ambil kesempatan di hari lainnya untuk melawat tempat2 yg menarik di sana.
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